" Your path to greatness starts with believing in yourself and daring to dream big!"

Sheema Khan

Welcome to Shine with Sheema

Thank you for visiting my page

Hello! I'm Sheema Khan, a Registered Psychotherapist, entrepreneur, and an educator

I am deeply passionate about mental health, community, continuous learning, and growth—values that guide every project I take on. My journey has been shaped by a commitment to both personal and professional development. These experiences fuel my mission to bridge the gap between mental health, entrepreneurship, and education.

With an MBA from York University and an MA in Counselling Psychology, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table, whether it be counselling clients or my entrepreneurship community. After spending 20 years in the corporate world in sales and marketing strategy, I quit my full-time job and dove in to entrepreneurship full-time, and it has been quite the journey. 

I have my own therapy practice – Supporting Your Journey, and consulting with  Leading Edge Seminars, I help curate and expand educational opportunities for therapists, and build partnerships where they can have access to better training. At the same time, I am launching my own marketing program for entrepreneurs, equipping them with the tools to build their businesses with confidence and clarity. In addition, I am creating a community for entrepreneurs (coming soon!)—a space designed for collaboration, growth, and support.

This initiative reflects my belief that professionals thrive best when they have access to resources, mentorship, and meaningful connections.

Whether through therapy, education, or business strategy, my goal is to empower individuals to grow, evolve, and build fulfilling careers and lives.

Let’s shine together!

So, why Shine with Sheema?

I wanted a space for me to share my journey, the learnings I have had and will continue to have, and my thoughts and feelings about mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and beyond. The intersection between leadership and psychology is so fascinating and ever changing and I would love to continue to explore it through my writing and share it with all of you.
The site is a work in progress, and I will continuously be learning and adding resources and inspiration that will generate new ideas and ways of thinking.
My hope is to explore ways in which we can all be better versions of our selves and shine a little brighter than we already do. Keep on shining.

latest blog posts

My blogs are my own personal opinions about what I have experienced or sometimes a reaction to what I have read, heard or watched. In my capacity as a psychotherapy student and a corporate leader, I will be focusing my topics on the intersection of both.

Working with Sheema

sheema khan

I Would Love To Share Some Of My Sources Of Inspiration With You. Check Them Out